The Development CAFE - network of development professionals

Bridging Policy with the Grassroots  

Welcome to The Development CAFE                    

Please join the CAFE if you are a development professional or a socially conscious individual.  This CAFE is a platform for minds from all over the world to meet and interact and share info and resources based on the development sector.

The CAFE is also a resource bank for Development professionals and individuals from other fields who would like to have information on the Social sciences and the Development field. Invest your knowledge, skills, expertise and intellectual ability in improving and expanding the Network.

About the CAFE
The Development CAFE was started in December 2001 and has grown tremendously from a bunch of students in India and US to top development professionals across the world. At present the CAFE is moderated from the US, India and the Netherlands. You can interact with members and utilize the services of this network through the

AIM of the CAFE
The aim of the cafe is to bring together opinions and resources from across the globe that could be mutually beneficial to social science professionals. Some of them include job postings, research funding information, call for proposals on projects, conference alerts, even discussions on current issues. This is also a platform to highlight work done by your organization.